Hi. I’m Erik.

I help solopreneurs in the digital and brick-and-mortar spaces with strategy so that your ideal clients will happily pay for your solutions.

I use a proprietary approach that shows you:

  • Which big client problem you should solve
  • Which sandbox you should choose so that you have a competitive advantage
  • Whether people will pay for your solution

Because once we figure out those three pieces?

Everything else falls into place, and you have a clear roadmap for what comes next.

You know what to do and in what order so that you can have a profitable business.

Coaching with Erik Duncan of Thinkaday Inc.

Erik Duncan


A little more about me…

I was fortunate to leverage my MBA from The Wharton School and my investment banking career on Wall Street to build a successful 14+ year solopreneur journey.  

I created a successful exit strategy for my financial consulting firm and moved to hometown in Rochester, NY.

I launched Thinkaday, Inc. and the newsletter, Solopreneur Doorway, to simplify your solopreneur strategy the way I did, so you can build your 1 person business on your terms.

Your profitable solopreneur gig requires:

  • A smart strategy
  • A smart plan

And I’m here to help you create both, whether you operate strictly online or own a traditional brick-and-mortar business.

Here are your answers to every day questions about the solopreneur business model.