
A Personalized Strategy to Turn Your Skill into a Profitable 1-Person Business

Number of industries where I have hands on experience
1 +
Number of hours I worked as a solopreneur & entrepreneur
35001 +
Number of times I give up on a strategy project

Your 1:1 Strategy Session with Erik

Maybe you feel like you’re doing all the “right” things.

You published your landing page, started your email list, created consistent content for your social media platform, launched a marketing campaign, and yet…

You’re still not getting the results you want.

Your revenue is inconsistent, you’re not onboarding new clients or growing your sales, service inquiries are sporadic or nonexistent, and despite giving it your all every day …

…you’re starting to doubt if business success is ever going to happen for you.

The problem is probably not your marketing…

…or the level of effort you’re putting in.

It’s most likely your strategy.

Coaching with Erik Duncan of Thinkaday Inc.