Hi. I’m Erik.

I help solopreneurs in the digital and non-digital spaces with strategy so that your ideal clients will happily pay for your solutions.

I use a proprietary approach that shows you:

  • Which big client problem you should solve
  • Which sandbox you should choose so that you have a competitive advantage
  • Whether people will pay for your solution

Because once we figure out those three pieces?

Everything else falls into place, and you have a clear roadmap for what comes next.

You know what to do and in what order so that you can turn your unique skills into income.

Coaching with Erik Duncan of Thinkaday Inc.

Erik Duncan


A little more about me…

I was fortunate to leverage my MBA from The Wharton School and my investment banking career on Wall Street to build a successful 14+ year solopreneur journey.  

I created a successful exit strategy for my financial consulting firm and moved to hometown in Rochester, NY.

I launched Thinkaday, Inc. to simplify your solopreneur strategy the way I did, so you can build your 1 person business on your terms.

Your profitable solopreneur gig requires:

  • A smart strategy
  • A smart plan

And I’m here to help you create both, whether you operate strictly online or own a traditional brick-and-mortar business.